Pengwyn Waddle NFT Collection

25% of the total vote power is reserved for Pengwyn Waddle NFT Collection. The Pengwyn Waddle NFT Collection consists of 10,000 generative Pengwyn NFTs, subdivided into four equally supplied editions where each of these editions will be launched on a different blockchain. These editions feature distinct Pengwyn classes originating from four different universes and showcase a unique drawing and different art style, offering collectors a diverse visual experience. Pengwyn Waddle NFTs hold a range of utilities, which are outlined below.

Vote Power: Each Pengwyn Waddle NFT will represent 0.0025% vote power in Pengwyn BINC once all editions and their respective NFT supply are fully diluted. For vote power calculations, please read this section of the white-paper.

Passive Income (Coming Soon): For more information, please check "The Shared Economy" page.

Community Premiums (Date TBA): For more information, please check "The Shared Economy" page.

Private communication channels (Coming Soon): Pengwyn Waddle NFT holders are granted access to a dedicated channel on the Pengwyn BINC Discord Server. This channel provides a space for NFT holders to engage and interact with each other.

Rarity Based Utilities (Date TBA): To enhance the excitement and incentivize participation for events inside the platform, the collection introduces a ranking system that takes into account the rarity of NFTs. This ranking system will be identical on each edition of Pengwyn Waddle NFT Collection. Pengwyn Waddle NFTs are categorized based on their rarity ranking as follows:

  • NFTs ranked within the first 50 in terms of rarity are assigned Level A status.

  • NFTs ranked between 51-250 in terms of rarity are assigned Level B status.

  • NFTs ranked between 251-750 in terms of rarity are assigned Level C status.

  • NFTs ranked between 751-1,500 in terms of rarity are assigned Level D status.

  • NFTs ranked between 1,501-2,500 in terms of rarity are assigned Level E status.

By rewarding users who own rarer NFTs, the collection encourages trading, collecting, and active participation, ultimately enhancing the overall experience for all contributors involved. The use-cases of utilities for these classes will be announce on a later date.

Last updated