Pengwyn BINC Vaults

Pengwyn BINC is centered around three distinct vaults, which serve as separate funds supporting the sustainability of different parts of the platform. Each vault has its own purpose and is operated by different combinations of contributors within Pengwyn BINC.

  • Treasury Vault: The Treasury Vault functions as a decentralized fund reserved for the development of Pengwyn BINC and its future products, which are planned, designed and approved by its contributors. The Treasury Vault is managed collaboratively by all the contributor groups within Pengwyn BINC and the usage of funds inside this requires a governance procedure using Pengwyn Autonomous Organization (PAO).

  • Expense Vault: The Expense Vault serves as a provisional account to facilitate the finalization of the organization's expense payments. These expense amounts are transferred from the Treasury Vault to the Expense Vault with the approval of Pengwyn BINC contributors. Once the recipients of the payments are due, the agreed amounts are sent to the recipients.

  • Utility Vault: The Utility Vault is designed to hold assets created by other projects within the blockchain space, such as NFTs, tokens, and coins that may offer benefits for the platform. The purpose of holding these products in this vault is to generate additional utilities for Pengwyn BINC and establish connections with different types of blockchain projects and their respective communities.

The Pengwyn DAPP ensures transparency of the funds, enabling contributors to monitor the current position of the vaults and stay updated about the platform's financials.

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